Enhanced Web Performance and SEO through CloudFront and Lambda@Edge Optimization
Optimized web performance and SEO by leveraging AWS CloudFront, WAF, and Lambda@Edge. Achievements include a 96%+ cache hit rate, a 33% reduction in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and enhanced bot traffic management.
- Resolved misconfigurations affecting web performance.
- Upgraded legacy SPA subdirectory method (used before 2022) to leverage advanced AWS WAF features.
- Implemented AWS WAF to distinguish and manage traffic from good and bad bots.
- Improved SEO using CloudFront Functions and Lambda@Edge for dynamic content delivery optimization.
- Boosted cache hit rate from 8-33% to over 96%.
- Reduced Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) by 33%, improving overall page load performance.
- 2022 https://aws.amazon.com/tw/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/how-to-optimize-content-for-search-engines-with-aws-waf-bot-control-and-amazon-cloudfront/
- 2017 https://aws.amazon.com/tw/blogs/compute/implementing-default-directory-indexes-in-amazon-s3-backed-amazon-cloudfront-origins-using-lambdaedge/
- 2016 https://stackoverflow.com/a/35673266